martedì 14 ottobre 2008

048 - pride and prejudice 12.02.07

John Paul's battered face is the talk of the whole school.

JP is in no mood to listen to Craig's apologies.

Leaving Sonny Valentine’s house (wearing snowflake) Craig spots John Paul.

Craig: John, hey John, John Paul, hey, just give us a minute.
Catching up to JP Craig touches his arm and notices JP is wearing earphones. Craig indicates he should take them out.

Craig: Look erm, I’m sorry about what happened at the football match.
JP turns to walk away

Craig: It was just all the stuff that people were saying about me being…

JP gives A LOOK… what?
John Paul: I really thought you were different… but you’re not.
Craig: Different? What, what, what you on about? Different in what way?
John Paul: Oh don’t worry… I didn’t mean gay.

JP shakes his head sadly and turns to go
Craig: If you didn’t think I was gay then why, why, why d’you try it on with me?
John Paul: Sneers Forget it…

JP moves to replace his headphones Craig speaks again before he does

Craig: Look mate… I’m sorry
John Paul: In bitter voice Mate? Yeah right.
John Paul walks away leaving Craig alone… in snowflake

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