they talk but they're really drunk.
Craig: So…err…are you alright?
JP: Yeah; you know?

JP: I’m okay
Craig: How about you and Hannah?
JP: Fine
Craig: Yeah?
JP: Never Better
Craig: You know…what you said to me at Hannah’s party?
JP: (Sighs) Craig
Craig: No, No, No it’s okay; it’s alright. I’ve been thinking about it. (sighs) Maybe it’s not your fault.
Craig: I dunno did I mislead you?
JP: Mislead me how?
Craig: I dunno, did I give you the wrong signals maybe?
JP: What do you mean the wrong signals?
Craig: Did I mess with your head, that’s what I’m saying?
JP: No, No. You didn’t mess with my head, but you’re messin’ with ma head now alright? Just shut up!
Craig: (Sighs) okay…sorry
JP offers the bottle of wine in his hand to Craig. Craig accepts it and takes a drink
JP: How are things going in there?
Craig: Horrible (smirks and shakes his head). I hate dancing.
Craig: (Smirks) Giving the girls a run for their money; that’s for sure.
JP: (Laughs) Good
Craig: We’re okay, right?
JP: I hope so
Craig: It’s been a mad few weeks ay? (Takes another drink)
JP: Yes it has
Craig and John Paul are drunk. Craig takes a drink and swirls round
Craig: (Falling into JPs arms) It’s been a top night.
Craig: No, No, No…You know what else? You know what else?
JP: What Craig? What?Craig: I don’t care if you’re gay
Craig: (getting louder) If you’re gay I don’t care
JP: Look keep your voice down
Craig: Shh. I’m not ashamed…(stamps his feet) to say it
JP: Yeah? ‘Case you’re not the one who’s going to get Queer Bashed
Craig: Anyone touches my mate, I’ll give them (demonstrates a leftpunch and kick. Staggers backwards) one like that
JP: We’ll talk about this tomorrow okay?
Stagger towards a piece of gym equipment together and lean against it.
Craig: As long as you know that I’m fine with it. (Whispers) I’m cool with gays.
JP That’s nice to know.
Craig ‘Cause I’m not gonna loose you. ‘Cause you’re like the bestest mate I’ve ever had.
JP: I’m not going anywhere
Craig: Good. I’d rather have a gay mate than no mate
JP: Craig; I’m not gay
JP: Look I’m with Hannah, alright?
Craig: And that’s what you want is it?
JP: YesCraig: Where’s it going? It’s not fair…It’s not fair on Hannah
JP: I’ll sort it, alright? I will

Hannah: Just leave me (staggers away, crying)Sarah: (Runs towards Hannah) Hannah what’s wrong?Hannah: John Paul and Craig. (to Craig) Tell them what you just did.Craig: What?Hannah: You…KissingCraig: That’s ridiculousJohn Paul runs away
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