JOHN PAUL: "Noooooooooooooo!"
John Paul’s anguished face suddenly disappears and we see John Paul in bed, waking up from his nightmare.

JOHN PAUL: Can I come in?
CRAIG: This better be good.
Nervously, John Paul steps into the flat. Craig pushes past him, ignoring him.
CRAIG: This better be good.
Nervously, John Paul steps into the flat. Craig pushes past him, ignoring him.
JOHN PAUL: Craig …
CRAIG: And don’t take all day.
JOHN PAUL: It’s a real mess, isn’t it?
CRAIG: Understatement.
JOHN PAUL: And it’s all my fault.
CRAIG: You know, not everything is about you.
CRAIG: And don’t take all day.
JOHN PAUL: It’s a real mess, isn’t it?
CRAIG: Understatement.
JOHN PAUL: And it’s all my fault.
CRAIG: You know, not everything is about you.
JOHN PAUL: No, that’s not what I meant…
CRAIG: Girls have a habit of betraying me. Sarah wasn’t the first.
JOHN PAUL: So, have you spoken to her then?
CRAIG: No. I’d rather not.
JOHN PAUL: Is it definitely over between you two?
CRAIG: Girls have a habit of betraying me. Sarah wasn’t the first.
JOHN PAUL: So, have you spoken to her then?
CRAIG: No. I’d rather not.
JOHN PAUL: Is it definitely over between you two?
CRAIG: She fancies you. My best mate. What kind of idiot do you think I am?
JOHN PAUL: No, she doesn’t! I know.
CRAIG: Yeah, right.
JOHN PAUL: Craig, it’s the truth.
CRAIG: I saw you two together yesterday. The way you were looking at her … the way she was with you.
JOHN PAUL: Craig, I don’t want Sarah.
CRAIG: Yeah, well she certainly wants you.
JOHN PAUL: No, she doesn’t! Craig, it’s all been-
CRAIG(shouting): Don’t start back-tracking now!
JOHN PAUL: I’m not! Honestly! You need to know the truth.
JOHN PAUL: No, she doesn’t! I know.
CRAIG: Yeah, right.
JOHN PAUL: Craig, it’s the truth.
CRAIG: I saw you two together yesterday. The way you were looking at her … the way she was with you.
JOHN PAUL: Craig, I don’t want Sarah.
CRAIG: Yeah, well she certainly wants you.
JOHN PAUL: No, she doesn’t! Craig, it’s all been-
CRAIG(shouting): Don’t start back-tracking now!
JOHN PAUL: I’m not! Honestly! You need to know the truth.
CRAIG: Did she send you here? As a messenger? ‘Cause if she has, you go back and tell her that she’s wasting her time. We’re finished.
JOHN PAUL: Craig … this isn’t about Sarah. It’s about me. I used her as an excuse. She’s not the one I want to be with.
JOHN PAUL: Craig … this isn’t about Sarah. It’s about me. I used her as an excuse. She’s not the one I want to be with.
The flat above the Dog, slightly later in the evening. Craig and John Paul are now sitting on different sofas.

JOHN PAUL: I didn’t want it to come to this, did I? I mean, I just said the first thing that came into my head.
CRAIG: You said you fancied my girlfriend! You planted the seed in her head. You – you made
her fancy you.
JOHN PAUL: I didn’t! She doesn’t! You’ve got it all wrong.
CRAIG: You created havoc! I haven’t got that wrong, have I?

JOHN PAUL: I didn’t! She doesn’t! You’ve got it all wrong.
CRAIG: You created havoc! I haven’t got that wrong, have I?
JOHN PAUL: No. I’m sorry.
CRAIG: Everything was going fine.
JOHN PAUL(fighting back tears): I don’t wanna lie anymore.
CRAIG: Hannah is in bits because of you. Me and Sarah have split because of you. You have ruined everything! Why?
JOHN PAUL: I came here to tell the truth. Honestly…
CRAIG: Why should I believe anything that you’ve got to say?
JOHN PAUL: I don’t know.
CRAIG: Just go. Go on, get out!
CRAIG: Everything was going fine.
JOHN PAUL(fighting back tears): I don’t wanna lie anymore.
CRAIG: Hannah is in bits because of you. Me and Sarah have split because of you. You have ruined everything! Why?
JOHN PAUL: I came here to tell the truth. Honestly…

CRAIG: Why should I believe anything that you’ve got to say?
JOHN PAUL: I don’t know.
CRAIG: Just go. Go on, get out!
Dejected, John Paul gets up and starts heading for the door. But then he stops, seemingly changing his mind, and turns back to Craig.
JOHN PAUL: No. We’re supposed to be best mates.
CRAIG: Then you look me in the eye and you tell me what’s really going on.
JOHN PAUL: I am … I am in love with
somebody. But it’s not Sarah.
CRAIG: Then you look me in the eye and you tell me what’s really going on.
JOHN PAUL: I am … I am in love with

CRAIG: Well, who is it?
JOHN PAUL: Craig… it’s … (he hesitates for a long moment) You see, the thing is … we’ve got so close, and I’ve messed it up…

JOHN PAUL: Craig… it’s … (he hesitates for a long moment) You see, the thing is … we’ve got so close, and I’ve messed it up…

A look of realisation spreads across Craig’s face.
CRAIG: Hannah? It is, isn’t it? You’re just … you’re just too scared?
JOHN PAUL(whispering): No…
CRAIG: You don’t want to admit it, do you? You’re actually in love … with Hannah?
For a moment, John Paul looks like he is battling something inside himself, before coming to a decision.
JOHN PAUL: Yeah. I am. Yeah.
CRAIG: Look mate, there’s nothing to be afraid of. It’ll be all right.
JOHN PAUL: Will it?
CRAIG: Yeah! Yeah, ‘course it will. Come here…
Craig holds out his hand to John Paul.

CRAIG: Come here!
John Paul takes his hand and they shake for a moment.
CRAIG: Mates, yeah?
Craig pulls John Paul towards him, hugging him and grinning. Away from Craig’s gaze, we see John Paul’s smile falter and fall. His eyes close in miserable desperation as he holds on to Craig
CRAIG: Hannah? It is, isn’t it? You’re just … you’re just too scared?
JOHN PAUL(whispering): No…
CRAIG: You don’t want to admit it, do you? You’re actually in love … with Hannah?
For a moment, John Paul looks like he is battling something inside himself, before coming to a decision.
JOHN PAUL: Yeah. I am. Yeah.
CRAIG: Look mate, there’s nothing to be afraid of. It’ll be all right.
JOHN PAUL: Will it?
CRAIG: Yeah! Yeah, ‘course it will. Come here…
Craig holds out his hand to John Paul.

John Paul takes his hand and they shake for a moment.
CRAIG: Mates, yeah?
Craig pulls John Paul towards him, hugging him and grinning. Away from Craig’s gaze, we see John Paul’s smile falter and fall. His eyes close in miserable desperation as he holds on to Craig
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