An ♥broken JP cant sleep, thinking about Craig on holiday with Sarah.
Frankie: "Are you still seeing Spike?"
JP: "Yeah – I didn’t know you cared."
Frankie: "I care about all Craig’s friends, love".
JP: "Is it cos you’re concerned I’ll turn him into a raging homo?"
Nancy: "John Paul!"
Frankie: "I think we can say you’ve already failed at that, can’t we".

Jp decides to write a letter to frankie:

Jp decides to write a letter to frankie:
want to tell you a secret. But first I’m gonna tell you why. Because a secret’s just a lie under a different name. And I’ve lived a lie. I know the pain and the damage that can be caused from hiding the truth. You see secrets can be dangerous things. Even when you think you are doing it for the right reasons, to protect someone you care about. Secrets can pull you apart. And then you can never forget the look of disappointment, of betrayal, in the eyes of someone you love. Or the feeling that no matter what the motive, the depth of that hurt will never go away. You don’t know the impact of a secret until its too late, how far the fallout will carry, how many casualties there’ll be. Or even recognising how a secret can infect you, what you say, what you think, til its almost too late – right up to the point where you have to ask “who am I?”. Well that ones simple. I’m t
he boy who’s sleeping with your son. I love Craig which is why I can forgive him for hurting Sarah. And I’m pretty certain he loves me too. I’m sorry that this is how you have to hear about it. That your precious son hasn’t got the guts to tell you himself. That he’s part of a world that you wish didn’t exist, but well that’s the thing about secrets – once out they can change ev

erything - just like that.
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