John Paul returns on 16 October 2008 when Niall kidnaps him and the rest of his family. When Myra is finally re-united with her daughters in St Eustace church,
Niall reveals he has also kidnapped John

Paul and brings him out to join his family. He gives Myra six questions for her six children, promising to kill a child for every question she gets wrong. Myra manages to get two right by luck and has to pick four children to do. John Paul bravely tells his mother that he loves her and then offers himself up for sacrifice, as does his sister Mercedes. Carmel and Jacqui are also chosen to die. However, Niall shocks the family further when he reveals that he has killed Kieron.

Before he can do anything else, Jack and Darren arrive to rescue the McQueens, and in the chaos Niall detonate the explosives, with the whole family still inside.

After the explosion, Niall begins to feel guilty for putting his mother through such a traumatic experience and begins to try and help her, but John Paul, vengeful against Niall for all he has done, turns up, prepared to kill him. When Niall is trying to lift some debris that is trapping Myra, John Paul appears with an improvised weapon and threatens him. Niall
manages to convince him to help him shift the debris, though, but afterwards John Paul resumes arguing with him.

Their argument is cut short when an angel statue falls
towards them. Niall pushes John Paul and Myra out of the way,
saving their lives, but apparently crushes himself in the process. While all of this is going on Jack, Darren, Tony and
Dominic work as hard as they can to save the rest of the McQueens. However, when everyone else makes it out safely Dom comes out carrying Tina's body leaving the family heartbroken. Though at the end of the episode and unknown to everyone else, Niall's reflection in the window of an ambulance is apparent, thus proving that he is still

John Paul decides to return to Dublin immediately, rather than stay for Tina's funeral, believing that he cannot stay in Hollyoaks because too much has happened to him there and he needs to continue his new life.
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