giovedì 12 febbraio 2009

110 - the reveal 10.09.07

Craig asks Sarah to keep the truth of their engagement a secret. In the meantime, he continues his relationship with John Paul, giving him a watch that had belonged to his grandfather, inscribed with 'Love always', without telling him about his proposal. He does not buy Sarahs engagement ring, showing his true feelings are for John Paul, though he is too scared to admit it publicly. 
Craig: How's the watch?
JP: I love it. It's old school. Told my mum I got it down the charity shop.
Craig: Charming.
JP: Well, what was I supposed to say? Oh, Craig gave it to me as a symbol of his undying love and affection?

Craig: I'm under orders.
JP: Listen mister, you are in my house and you are under my orders.

However, John Paul becomes increasingly frustrated about Craig's ongoing refusal to make a final decision - him or Sarah. The final straw comes when Sarah tells Frankie about the engagement, without telling him. Craig is initially upset, mainly because he had not told the truth to John Paul. When John Paul arrives at a party thrown by Frankie and discovers the truth, he drags Craig upstairs and demands he choose: him or Sarah? 
JP: Ask yourself this, who can't you live without?
Craig: You.
Craig: I love you John Paul. It'll always be me and you.

In response, Craig begins to kiss John Paul passionately. Still not convinced about Craig's commitment, John Paul texts Sarah on Craig's phone and asks Sarah to come upstairs. She reads the text and comes upstairs and walks in on Craig and John Paul kissing, leaving her horrified and Craig speechless.

Sarah finds out the truth.

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