JP: He loves me. He does and I know he’s going to Dublin with her but it doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy my time with him while I still can

Spike: I'm trying to protect you
JP: I'm fine. Allright I know I’m just his little secret but we love each other and maybe it will only be for a few weeks but that’s the way its going to have to be.
Later. Craig arrives. Spike: Don't worry, your dirty little secret's safe with me.
Craig is unconvinced Spike will keep quiet and the lads square up after exchanging words.

Sarah is certain something is up when she arrives on the scene and overhears them. Spike takes off, leaving Craig to extricate himself out of the situation. Suspecting there is another girl, Sarah demands to know who she is.

Craig is clearly upset and about to tell the truth at last when he chickens out last minute and latches on to the only thing he thinks a girl wants to hear... "Will You Marry Me?! Sarah is relieved and delighted, accepting his marriage proposal instantly, although it appears as if Craig does not want to marry Sarah and only proposed because he does not want anyone to find out about his relationship with John Paul.

Jp sees Craig and Sarah and is really upset.

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