John-Paul stands in front of the mirror and Craig is behind him. John-Paul turns around and Craig puts his hand on John-Paul’s cheek. John-Paul smiles and puts his own hand over Craig’s. The camera pans in on John-Paul’s face as he smiles and closes his eyes. He suddenly opens them and he is alone in his room, his hand on his cheek*..dream on dream on..

John-Paul is in the pub with a drink reading a magazine and listening to his iPod. Craig comes up behind him and awkwardly tries to start up a conversation.
Craig: Are you on your own?
John-Paul: Sorry?
Craig: Are you expecting anyone?
John-Paul: I was supposed to meet Carmel for a drink but she hasn’t shown up.

John-Paul: Sorry?
Craig: Are you expecting anyone?
John-Paul: I was supposed to meet Carmel for a drink but she hasn’t shown up.

He smiles at Craig and goes back to his magazine. Craig tries again
Craig: I’ve been thinking……
John-Paul (taking one of his earphones out): What?
Craig: About yesterday.
John-Paul: Yeah, I’ve been thinking too. About the fantasy football league.
Craig (taken a bit by surprise): What about it?
John-Paul: I’ve got to get my team together haven’t I or I’ll miss the start of the season.

John-Paul: There’s some pretty good strikers around.
John-Paul puts the earphone back in and goes back to his magazine but clearly he can still hear what Craig is trying to say
Craig: I can’t leave things like this, alright? I can’t just pretend that nothing’s happened.
John-Paul (taking his earphone out again): I’m sorry,

John-Paul leaves and Craig realises that this is going to be harder than he thought.

John-Paul: Yeah?
Craig: Are you alone?
John-Paul (moving into the house): No, Sarah’s upstairs. We’re sleeping together. Oh no, wait, sorry that’s your line! (Craig follows him into the house) What do you want Craig?
Craig: I don’t know.
John-Paul (taking out an iron from under the sink): Were you having a bad day? Is that what it is?
Craig: What do you expect?

Craig: I’m the one who’s caught in the middle here!
John-Paul: Craig, I’ve been trying to finish it for good.
Craig: That’s the worst thing

John-Paul: Craig, its just lies all the time! (Imitating Craig’s accent) “I’m gonna finish with Sarah today, oh maybe I’ll finish with her tomorrow, oh I’m not too sure, maybe I’ll…..
(he knocks the iron off the ironing board and onto his foot)
Ow!!! (he clutches his foot) I’m alright, I’m fine".
Craig: Are you sure? You don’t want me to kiss it better?

Later. They are in bed, John-Paul resting on Craig’s shoulder and his arm draped over him.
Craig: I was gonna tell Sarah, you know.
John-Paul: Hush.
Craig: Yeah, but we’ve gotta talk about it…..
John-Paul: Look, lets not ruin it with talking, eh?
raig: But….
John-Paul: Let’s just enjo
y the moment.
Craig smiles slightly and John-Paul kisses him. Craig reaches out his hand and caresses John-Paul’s cheek. John-Paul smiles.

Craig: Are you sure? You don’t want me to kiss it better?
Craig reaches out and kisses him with passion that John-Paul lovingly reciprocates.

Craig: I was gonna tell Sarah, you know.
John-Paul: Hush.
Craig: Yeah, but we’ve gotta talk about it…..
John-Paul: Look, lets not ruin it with talking, eh?

John-Paul: Let’s just enjo

Craig smiles slightly and John-Paul kisses him. Craig reaches out his hand and caresses John-Paul’s cheek. John-Paul smiles.

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