At Craig's home.
JP wants to come out, but Craig is not agree.
JP:"If Jake knew, if everyone knew"
Craig:"Are you serious?"
JP:"Well we have to come out"

raig:"I'm not gay. It's finished"
A bit later.JP: You still have no idea how much this hurts me do you? I want people to know Craig.
(channeling a rock star with that hand gesture) Not a chance.

Why not?
Craig: Keep it down.
JP: We sleep together.
Craig: Keep your voice down.
(getting louder)We're practically a couple. So why shouldn't people know?
Craig: Because I don't want it out there for people to know.
JP: Oh of course, I'm not gay. I just sleep with a fella who is, it's pathetic! I mean just be honest It not for me, for yourself.
Craig: I'm not gay.

JP: Fine forget it! Forget everything, forget me!
(storms out).
Later. Jp bumps into Spike.
Spike and Craig talk. Maybe Spike knew the truth.

Then Craig and Jp are both sorry.
Craig:"Sorry I really am"
JP:"Me, too"
Spike sees JP and C together..
Later at Craig's home again.Chasing cars in the backgorund awwww
Craig: Look at what i'm doing to you. All the grief I'm causing.
JP: We do it to each other.
JP: Craig, I don't want to lose you...I tell myself to stay away from you but I can't give you up.

Craig: I'm glad. I don't want to lose you either.
JP:"So what happens now?"
Craig:"It's up to you"